18 October 2015

Lumachina - Little snail

Quel tuo stare così appartata,
come messa in un angolo
come in punizione,
non giova alla tua bellezza e purezza
di chi tu eri, sei e sarai.
Esci dal guscio, mia lumachina,
metti le gambe e corri,
corri incontro al futuro, ora,
che il Destino ancora non
si è accorto di nulla


That your being so secluded,
as put into a corner
as punishment,
is not conducive to your beauty and purity
of who you were, you are and will be.
Exit from the shell, my little snail,
put your legs and run,
run into the future, now,
that Destiny still not
has noticed nothing about you

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