4 September 2015

Partorire un amore - Delivering of a love

Se mai tu uscissi da me
come un feto viene alla luce,
capirei quanto ti ho amata
mentre eri dentro di me
e quanto tu fossi stata protetta
nel mio animo.
Ora che stai uscendo e crescendo,
pronta ad una vita differente
non scordare mai
chi ti ha tenuta nel grembo
sperando in un parto indolore.

©Mikhail Lermontov-2015

If ever you came forth out of me
like a fetus comes to the light,
I'd understand how much I loved you
while you were inside of me
and how much you had been protected
in my mind.
Now that you are going out and growing up,
ready for a different life,
never forget
Who made you kept in the womb
hoping for a painless childbirth.

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