7 December 2012

Hours of the days

I spend the last hours of the day
watching you and writing to you,
but for now you can not see me
and you can not write.
I spend the time of day
speaking to you in any language,
but you can not talk to me.
I spend the holidays
thinking and needing of you,
but I realize I'm alone
and then look forward to
the night time,
to start all over again
falling in love with you always more.

Passo le ultime ore della giornata
guardandoti e scrivendoti,
ma per ora tu non vedi me
e non puoi scrivermi.
Passo le ore del giorno
parlandoti in ogni idioma,
ma tu non mi puoi parlare.
Passo i giorni di festa
pensandoti e desiderandoti
ma mi accorgo di essere solo
ed allora aspetto con ansia
l'ora notturna,
per ricominciare daccapo tutto
innamorandomi di te sempre di più.

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