10 March 2014

Se si potesse...

se si potessero contare 
le lacrime perdute 
nei momenti di un dolore
si formerebbero fiumi e laghi
Se si potessero contare
le carezze che una madre
da al suo piccolo
potremmo pulire il mondo
dalle immondizie del  tempo
Se si potessero contare 
le parole che 
ho usato per dirti che ti amo
non basterebbero 
le biblioteche del mondo 
a raccoglierle....


Stars in the night

If I can have the time
to count all the stars in the sky
it means I have the time 
to love you for this long time
But at the end the counting 
probably we discover 
that I make a mistake
so I start again to count
and I have still have another occasion
to love you more....

The feeling of you

Every day 
at the moment to wake up
feel so deep your presence
to do not remember 
what I have to do during the day
I do all that is possible
for you
to permit your happyness...
in the evening, when I have to sleep
I feel you present also during the night!