2 December 2012

Dedicated to all my dancers

I write..yes...I write...

I write ...
Because writing is so good
I write, to let you know that I am here me too
I write to communicate in the languages I know
to let people know what I think
I write because I love
I write ...
someone will read
will understand
will answer
If nobody will answer
I shall still write to it
until the end of one of us…
the silence was, is and still remains the same,
while the writing had a beginning, and will never end
until an human will exists

se penso scrivo cio' che sento

Il senso della vita lo si trova tra le mani di chi sa cosa la vita sia; nulla puo’ avere senso se non si ha una meta fissata, uno scopo da raggiungere. Che senso ha vivere senza uno scopo?

E se la meta o lo scopo non si raggiunge, il motiv
o e’ da cercare in noi stessi,
che abbiamo perduto il senso della ragione abbandonando gli schemi che ci avrebbero portato a questa meta.

Non si deve perdere mai il senso della ragione, ne’ ci si deve distrarre se si vuole raggiungere uno scopo.


When I think I write what I feel

The meaning of life is to be found in the hands of those who know what life is, nothing makes sense unless you have set a goal, a purpose to be achieved. What the meaning of life without a purpose?

And if the goal or purpose is not achieve
d, the reason is to be found in ourselves,
we have lost the sense of reason abandoning the patterns that would lead us to this goal.

You should not ever lose your sense of reason, no one should distracted if you want to achieve a goal


Dedicated to all Tango dancers and my students

My dear friends, I would like to invite all of you to catch thsi clip found in internet with the cooperation of my partner Mira.
This clip, realized in Netherlands, second Country in Europe for number of Tango dancers, shows very well the contest of Tango world, including an initial rude form. But, as you can see in the film, the world of Tango is a special one: one for everybody and everybody for one... I need you observations after the catching.
