7 December 2012

Hours of the days

I spend the last hours of the day
watching you and writing to you,
but for now you can not see me
and you can not write.
I spend the time of day
speaking to you in any language,
but you can not talk to me.
I spend the holidays
thinking and needing of you,
but I realize I'm alone
and then look forward to
the night time,
to start all over again
falling in love with you always more.

Passo le ultime ore della giornata
guardandoti e scrivendoti,
ma per ora tu non vedi me
e non puoi scrivermi.
Passo le ore del giorno
parlandoti in ogni idioma,
ma tu non mi puoi parlare.
Passo i giorni di festa
pensandoti e desiderandoti
ma mi accorgo di essere solo
ed allora aspetto con ansia
l'ora notturna,
per ricominciare daccapo tutto
innamorandomi di te sempre di piĆ¹.

My Angel

Ho seguito l’istinto per arrivare a te,
Trovando la strada dopo tante traversie.
Ho seguito il mio cuore
Per trasformare il mio carattere
In qualcosa che fosse irripetibile.
Ho seguito le tue parole
Per rivestire le mie nudita’
Con seta preziosa.
Ho ascoltato I tuoi pensieri
Per diventare la persona piu’ ricercata
Ho pensato a te,
Per diventare un uomo buono e sincero.
Ho preso la direzione del vento
Per trovarti seduta su un monte.
Ho piegato in basso le ali
E ho deciso di non volare piu’
Senza di te.
Ho pulito le tue ali con le mie
Ho scaldato il tuo cuore
Con il mio cinguettare.
Insieme stiamo aspettando l’alba
Per tornare a volare tra monti e valli.
io e te,
Angelo mio.

I followed my instinct to reach you,
Finding the road after so many misfortunes.
I followed my heart
To transform my character
In something that was unique.
I followed your words
To cover my nakedness
With rare silk.
I listened to your thoughts
To become the most sought after.
I thought of you,
To become a good man and true.
I took the wind direction
To find you sitting on a mountain.
I folded down the wings
And I decided not to fly more
Without you.
I cleaned your wings with mine
I warmed your heart
With my singing.
Together we are waiting for the sunrise
To return to fly between mountains and valleys.
You and I,
My angel.

Hours for you

I spend the last hours of the day
watching you and writing to you,
but for now you can not see me
and you can not write.
I spend the time of day
speaking to you in any language,
but you can not talk to me.
I spend the holidays
thinking and needing of you,
but I realize I'm alone
and then look forward to
the night time,
to start all over again
falling in love with you always more.

A love like this....

A love so great