29 July 2014

One Neruda's Poem for you, my World...

Tonight I Can Write 
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. 
Write, for example, "The night is starry 
and the stars are blue and shiver in the distance." 
The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. 
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. 
I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. 
Through nights like this one I held her in my arms. 
I kissed her again and again under the endless sky. 
She loved me, sometimes I loved her too. 
How could one not have loved her great still eyes. 
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. 
To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her. 
To hear the immense night, still more immense without her. 
And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture. 
What does it matter that my love could not keep her. 
The night is starry and she is not with me. 
This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance. 
My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. 
My sight tries to find her as though to bring her closer. 
My heart looks for her, and she is not with me. 
The same night whitening the same trees. 
We, of that time, are no longer the same. 
I no longer love her, that's certain, but how I loved her. 
My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing. 
Another's. She will be another's. As she was before my kisses. 
Her voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes. 
I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her. 
Love is so short, forgetting is so long. 
Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms 
my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. 
Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer 
and these the last verses that I write for her. 

Pablo Neruda

26 July 2014

The Master's words-M.G.Van Tymmermann

I veri nemici tu non li vedi e non li senti, ma sono sempre dietro di te o davanti a te, per tagliarti la strada. Quando uscirai dal fango dove essi volevano tu cadessi, e dall'oblio dove essi volevano imprigionarti, saprai guardare fisso negli occhi tutti coloro che ti circondano e saprai condannare quelli che il tuo sguardo non sapranno sostenere, proprio perchè sanno cosa hanno fatto per te. Chi è saggio non colpisce, condanna con il suo silenzio coloro che del male fanno per pura gelosia. E saranno loro stessi la causa del loro nero destino.

The real enemies you can not see them and hear them, but they are always behind you or in front of you to cut your way. When you get out of the mud where they wanted you fell, and oblivion where they wanted to imprison you, you'll know to look straight in the eyes all those around you and condemn those who know your eyes will not argue, just because they know what they did to you. Who is wise not striking, with its silence condemns those who do evil out of pure jealousy. It will themselves be the cause of their black fate.

Era - After Thousand Words-dedicated to all my brothers and sisters of all religions

24 July 2014

Я СКУЧАЮ ПО ТЕБЕ-Спокойной ночи

Пушкин "Зимнее утро"

Cold frost and sunshine: day of wonder!
But you, my friend, are still in slumber -
Wake up, my beauty, time belies:
You dormant eyes, I beg you, broaden
Toward the northerly Aurora,
As though a northern star arise!

Recall last night, the snow was whirling,
Across the sky, the haze was twirling,
The moon, as though a pale dye,
Emerged with yellow through faint clouds.
And there you sat, immersed in doubts,
And now, - just take a look outside:

The snow below the bluish skies,
Like a majestic carpet lies,
And in the light of day it shimmers.
The woods are dusky. Through the frost
The greenish fir-trees are exposed;
And under ice, a river glitters.

The room is lit with amber light.
And bursting, popping in delight
Hot stove still rattles in a fray.
While it is nice to hear its clatter,
Perhaps, we should command to saddle
A fervent mare into the sleight?

And sliding on the morning snow
Dear friend, we'll let our worries go,
And with the zealous mare we'll flee.
We'll visit empty ranges, thence,
The woods, which used to be so dense
And then the shore, so dear to me.

Только раз

День и ночь роняет сердце ласку,
День и ночь кружится голова,
День и ночь взволнованною сказкой
Мне звучат твои слова:
Только раз бывают в жизни встречи,
Только раз судьбою рвётся нить,
Только раз в холодный зимний вечер
Мне так хочется любить!
Тает луч пурпурного заката,
Синевой окутаны цветы.
Где же ты, желанная когда-то,
Где, во мне будившая мечты?
Только раз бывают в жизни встречи,
Только раз судьбою рвётся нить,
Только раз в холодный зимний вечер
Мне так хочется любить!

Это для всех моих друзей русские и казахи


I loved you once: perhaps that love has yet
To die down thoroughly within my soul;
But let it not dismay you any longer;
I have no wish to cause you any sorrow.
I loved you wordlessly, without a hope,
By shyness tortured, or by jealousy.
I loved you with such tenderness and candor
And pray God grants you to be loved that way again.

22 July 2014

Introduco Saffo, in Inglese...I introduce Saffo, in Italian

Desidero porre all'attenzione dei miei amici la scoperta di una nuova poesia della grande poetessa Greca Saffo. Includo la versione italiana ed inglese (tradotta da "the guardian")

Ma tu farfugli sempre che Carasso sta arrivando
con una barca piena. Queste cose, suppongo, Zeus le conosce,
e anche tutti gli altri dèi – ma tu
non devi pensare a queste cose.
Semplicemente mandami e istruiscimi
come offrire le nostre preghiere alla regina Era;
e supplica che Carasso arrivi qui, con
la sua nave intatta,
ci trovi sani e salvi. Per il resto,
affidiamoci alle stelle,
e che appaiano all’improvviso dei venti giusti
dopo le burrasche.
Quelli il cui fato il re dell’Olimpo
vuole trasformare da problemi in qualcosa di migliore
Sono molto benedetti
e fortunati senza paragoni.
Per quanto riguarda noi, se Larico alzasse mai la sua testa
e diventasse un uomo,
allora dalla sua grande afflizione
saremmo presto liberati.

Still, you keep on twittering that Charaxos
comes, his boat full. That kind of thing I reckon
Zeus and his fellow gods know; and you mustn’t
make the assumption;
rather, command me, let me be an envoy
praying intensely to the throne of Hera
who could lead him, he and his boat arriving
here, my Charaxos,
finding me safely; let us then divert all
other concerns on to the lesser spirits;
after all, after hurricanes the clear skies
rapidly follow;
and the ones whose fate the Olympian ruler
wants to transform from troubles into better –
they are much blessed, they go about rejoicing
in their good fortune.
As for me, if Larichos reaches manhood,
[if he could manage to be rich and leisured,]
he would give me, so heavy-hearted, such a
swift liberation. 

Anais Nin thinking....Wonderful writer..

Anais NinEverything in life is about perception!

Anais Nin - The poetry of sex and love

“I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.”
 Anaïs Nin •

20 July 2014

To my Word.....

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

I don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time Yeah yeah yeah

I don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

I Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
And I don't want to miss a thing

Tribute to a singer beloved all over in Russia and Kazakhstan

Never I can forget you...in lingua italiana rimata..

Forse non sai
che non potrò dimenticarti mai,
dall'alba al tramonto
con la pioggia o con il vento,
nelle notti di Luna piena,
mentre scrivo con curva la schiena,
ho scoperto che la penna
con cui scrivo sei tu che non la ferma.
Alpha, Tango,Wiskey, Lima,
nulla è cambiato e ti amo più di prima.

Richard Marx - Until I Find You Again with lyrics

И.Крутой Lara Fabian Д.Хворостовский - Always live

What I feel now...in 4 languages...

Quel soffio di vento fresco
che sollevò la tua gonna,
che scompigliò i tuoi capelli,
che ti fece socchiudere gli occhi
mentre mi guardavi curiosa
sorridendomi felice...
Quel soffio di vento è lo stesso
che ora ti porta le mie parole,
i miei momenti vuoti senza te,
tutti i pensieri
che negli anni non ho potuto dirti
e che ho capito non serve
dirli ora,
che il tempo già è tiranno
portandoti lontano,
ove la gonna non si può alzare,
i capelli non si muovono,
gli occhi rimangono chiusi
e tu non sorridi più...

That breath of fresh wind
that lifted your skirt,
that ruffled your hair,
that made ​​you close the eyes
while you looked at me curiously
happy smiling ...
That breath of wind is the same
which now brings my words,
my empty moments without you,
all the thoughts
that over the years I could not tell you
and I understand that does not serve
tell you now,
that time is running out already
taking you away,
and the skirt can not raise,
the hair does not move,
the eyes remain closed
and you do not smile anymore ...

 Ese aliento de viento fresco
que levantó su falda,
que rizó el pelo,
que hizo cerrar los ojos
mientras me miró con curiosidad
feliz y sonriente ...
Ese soplo de viento es el mismo
que ahora trae mis palabras,
mis momentos vacíos sin ti,
todos los pensamientos
que durante los años que no pude decirte
y entiendo que no sirve
te digo ahora,
que el tiempo se acaba ya
que le llevará lejos,
y la falda no puede aumentar,
el cabello no se mueve,
permanecen cerrados los ojos
y usted no sonríe nunca más ...

 Это глоток свежего ветра
что поднял юбку,
что трепал волосы,
что заставило тебя закрыть глаза
в то время как ты смотрел на меня с любопытством
счастливой улыбкой ...
Это дыхание ветра то же самое
который сейчас приносит мои слова,
мои пустые моменты без тебя,
все мысли
что за эти годы я не мог сказать вам,
и я понимаю, что не служит
теперь скажут тебе,
что время истекает уже
принимая тебя,
и юбка не может поднять,
волосы не двигается,
глаза остаются закрытыми
и ты не улыбаются больше не ...

Lara Fabian - Love By Grace (Official Video Clip)

Pink Martini - Splendor in the Grass | Official Music Video

16 July 2014

let me...Permettimi...

Lascia che ti guardi negli occhi
per capire se io non sono più solo,
permetti alle mie sorde orecchie
di risentire la tua voce modulata, fresca e bella,
consenti ai nostri sguardi
di parlarsi tra loro come mai prima d'ora,
prendiamoci per mano uno con l'altro
per risentire il mio e il tuo calore,
al nascosto del destino infausto
che vorrebbe fossimo diversi.

Let me look into your eyes
to see if I am no longer alone,
let my deaf ears
to hear your voice modulated, fresh and beautiful,
Allow to our eyes
to talk to each other like never before,
join hands with one another
to be affected by mine and your warmth,
hidden to the unfortunate fate
he would like to were us different.

 Позвольте мне смотреть в ваши глаза,

Чтобы увидеть, не одинок ли я?
Пусть мои немощные уши
Услышат голос ваш изменчивый, свежий и красивый,
Позвольте нашим глазам встретиться и поговорить
Друг с другом, как никогда раньше,
Взявшись за руки друг друга,
Почувтсвовать тепло тела моего и твоего,
Спрятанные в несчастных судьбах
Которые он хотел бы изменить...

13 July 2014

e' cosi'.... It is like this...

A female seduces you stripping off ...
A woman steals your soul fully clothed ..

Una femmina ti seduce spogliandosi...
Una donna ti ruba l'anima completamente vestita..

I permit you to imagine what I want to say to My World...Vi permetto di immagine cosa vorrei dire al Mio Mondo

Poesie di altri autori...Poems from other Authors...I am provocative...Voglio provocare...

Guillaume Apollinaire
La nudità dei fiori

La nudità dei fiori è il loro odore carnale
Che palpita e si eccita come un sesso femminile
E i fiori senza profumo sono vestiti di pudore
Essi prevedono che si vuol violare il loro odore
La nudità del cielo è velata di ali
Di uccelli che planano d’attesa inquieta d’amore e di fortuna
La nudità dei laghi freme per le libellule
Che baciano con azzurre elitre il loro ardore di spume
La nudità dei mari io la adorno di vele
Che esse strazieranno con gesti di raffica
Per svelare il loro corpo allo stupro innamorato di esse
Allo stupro degli annegati ancora irrigiditi d’amore
Per violare il mare vergine dolce e sorpresa

Del rumore dei flutti e delle labbra appassionate








Désir - Guillaume Apollinaire

Mon désir est la région qui est devant moi
Derrière les lignes boches
Mon désir est aussi derrière moi
Après la zone des armées

Mon désir c’est la butte du Mesnil
Mon désir est là sur quoi je tire
De mon désir qui est au-delà de la zone des armées
Je n’en parle pas aujourd’hui mais j’y pense

Butte du Mesnil je t’imagine en vain
Des fils de fer des mitrailleuses des ennemis trop sûrs d’eux
Trop enfoncés sous terre déjà enterrés

Ca ta clac des coups qui meurent en s’éloignant
En y veillant tard dans la nuit
Le Decauville qui toussote
La tôle ondulée sous la pluie
Et sous la pluie ma bourguignotte

Entends la terre véhémente
Vois les lueurs avant d’entendre les coups
Et tel obus siffler de la démence
Ou le tac tac tac monotone et bref plein de dégoût

Je désire
Te serrer dans ma main Main de Massiges
Si décharnée sur la carte

Le boyau Goethe où j’ai tiré
J’ai tiré même sur le boyau Nietzsche
Décidément je ne respecte aucune gloire
Nuit violente et violette et sombre et pleine d’or par moments
Nuits des hommes seulement

Nuit du 24 septembre
Demain l’assaut
Nuit violente ô nuit dont l’épouvantable cri profond devenait
plus intense de minute en minute
Nuit qui criait comme une femme qui accouche
Nuit des hommes seulement

Omaggio ad Helmut Newton, il fotografo del nudo per antonomasia!

Le due piu' famose fotografie di Helmut Newton...Impossibile non avere queste foto nella collezione,se si e' fotografi in erba...!

12 July 2014

Verso l'oblio - Toward oblivion

 Non svanire nel nulla,
non soffiare su tutte le candele
prima che io arrivi al mio destino.
Rimanendo nel buio
potrei cercare una luce altrove
che mi illumini il cammino
verso l'oblio

(Mikhail Lermontov-copyright@2014)

Do not vanish into thin,
do not blow out all the candles
before I get to my fate.
Staying in the dark
I might try a light elsewhere
which it lights the way
toward oblivion

(Mikhail Lermontov-copyright@2014)


Nothing so wonderful as Canova's sculpture of Amore et Psiche

Alda Merini, for all my World

Mi basta solo una lieve carezza
che faccia tremare
un pò la mia vita

I just need a light caress
which get tremble
a little bit of my life

Alda Merini

Pensiero, io non ho più parole.
Ma cosa sei tu in sostanza?
qualcosa che lacrima a volte,
e a volte dà luce....
Pensiero, dove hai le radici?
Nella mia anima folle
o nel mio grembo distrutto?
Sei cosi ardito vorace,
consumi ogni distanza;
dimmi che io mi ritorca
come ha già fatto Orfeo
guardando la sua Euridice,
e cosi possa perderti
nell'antro della follia.

Thought, I have no words.
But what are you in essence?
something that tears at times,
and sometimes gives light ....
Thinking, where have you the roots?
In my soul insane
or in my destroyed womb?
You are so bold voracious,
consume every distance;
tell me that I come back to haunt
as it did Orpheus
looking at his Eurydice,
and so may miss
in the den of madness.
Alda Merini
da PensieriParole <http://www.pensieriparole.it/poesie/poesie-d-autore/poesia-207960?f=a:3457>

Renato Guttuso e l'arte del nudo femminnile-Renato Guttuso and the art of female nude

Impossibile non menzionare Renato Guttuso nell'arte del nudo femminile. Il suo talento, divenuto celebre per la sua Musa Marta Marzotto, ha lasciato il segno nell'arte moderna.

11 July 2014

A young Dima for my friends of Russia and Kazakhstan in "Ja vas lyublyu" from the Russian Opera "The Queen of Spades"

Dedicated to all my friends of Russian language


ЛЮБОВЬ НЕ ЗАВИДУЕТ, кто бы ты ни был,
НЕ ПРЕВОЗНОСИТСЯ, унижая твоё.

ЛЮБОВЬ НЕ ГОРДИТСЯ успехами важными.
НЕ РАЗДРАЖАЕТСЯ по поводу каждому,
НЕ МЫСЛИТ И ЗЛА, и не делает бед.

ЛЮБОВЬ ПОКРЫВАЕТ твои недостатки,
И ВЕРИТ ВСЕМУ, что ты скажешь в ответ;
ПРОЩАЯ ОШИБКИ, не ропщет украдкой,
А ВСЁ ПЕРЕНОСИТ, даря тебе свет.

ЛЮБОВЬ НЕ ОСУДИТ, сорадуясь правде,
ОТ РАДОСТИ ИСТИН цветёт, как в раю.
ЛЮБОВЬ НЕ ПОБРЕЗГУЕТ слабость твою...

ЛЮБОВЬ ЛИШЬ НАДЕЕТСЯ лучшим минутам.
ЛЮБОВЬ ОЖИДАЕТ, ликует, поёт,
И ВЕРИТ ВСЕГДА, что ты нужен кому-то;

Amor de natura dantesca....

Madonna, quel signor che voi portate

Madonna, quel signor che voi portate
ne gli occhi, tal che vince ogni possanza,
mi dona sicuranza
che voi sarete amica di pietate,
però che là dov’ei fa dimoranza,
ed ha in compagnia molta beltate,
tragge tutta bontate
a sé, come principio c’ha possanza;
ond’io conforto sempre mia speranza,
la qual è stata tanto combattuta,
che sarebbe perduta,
se non fosse che Amore
contro ogni avversità le dà valore
con la sua vista e con la rimembranza
del dolce loco e del soave fiore
che di novo colore
cerchiò la mente mia,
merzé di vostra grande cortesia. 

Gibran Khalil

Love is a Magic Ray

Love is a magic ray
emitted from the burning core
of the soul
and illuminating
the surrounding earth.

It enables us
to perceive life
as a beautiful dream
between one awakening
and another. 

 El amor es un rayo de magia
emitida desde el núcleo de la quema
del alma
e iluminadora
la tierra circundante.

Nos permite
de percibir la vida
como un hermoso sueño
entre un despertar
y otro.