28 February 2014


Voglio starti sempre dietro, per proteggerti,
e sempre davanti, per aprirti la strada

I want to be always back to protect you, 
And always in front, to open up the road

26 February 2014

Ho seguito....I followed...

Ho seguito l'istinto 
per venire da te,
trovando la strada dopo mille traversie.
Ho seguito il mio cuore
per trasformare il mio carattere
in qualche cosa che fosse irripetibile.
Ho seguito le tue parole
per rivestire le mie nudità
con seta preziosa.
Ho ascoltato i tuoi pensieri
per diventare la persona più ricercata.
Ora non seguo più nulla
non penso più a nulla
sono io con me stesso e te
e qui ci resto.

I followed the instinct 
to come to you, 
finding the road after many hardships. 
I followed my heart 
to turn my character 
Something that was unique. 
I followed your words 
to clothe my nakedness 
with precious silk. 
I listened to your thoughts 
to become the most wanted person. 
Now I am not following anything 
I no longer think of anything 
I am with myself and you 
and here we rest.

14 February 2014

A big anniversary, with you ...

Dear friends,
Though it may seem strange, in these next few days I will do my BDay (February 18), but also will be making a very important milestone: 20 February will be the anniversary of 50 years of work officially declared that I made... It will be a pleasure to celebrate with all of you together, even if only virtually and via messages. Guests are invited to visit my page and my blog Google+ http://sempreconlaluna.blogspot.com, where I will post what I feel for you all...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

insieme a giocare ed amare
a cenare e fare a pugni con la vita,
a godere delle carezze e delle parole.
insieme a lottare per la vita e per l'amore
a lavare i panni e stirare le mutande
a curare le ferite della vita
Insieme, per sempre...

4 February 2014

I can talk only with my imagines and my music...

...to say I love you..

Someone may say to you

One day someone will be able to ask 
Why you wasted so much time 
With a man like me. 
One day you will hear from others
That I have changed your life for the worse, 
That everything that I told you 
It was just the result of a sick imagination. 
One day you will believe 
You are left alone because of me,
And the man with whom you will live 
Quarrel for pure jealousy. 
So, you'll go to the banks of the river 
And sitting on its side 
You will see the birth of a flower 
Where your tears are falling 
In your silent crying of love.

(Mikhail Lermontov- copyright - Misha2014)